2010年10月11日 星期一

健康的一點一滴 Nutritional Diary


Dear distributors, please use this thread to discuss and reflect your own experiences and/or your inputs on living a healthy life!

2010年10月8日 星期五

競爭者的資料 Competitors info

Nutritional beverages are in abundance on the market. Many claimed to have high antioxidant as well. It is definitely worthwhile for us to understand our competitors so we can better help our prospects to see why Mona Vie is a good and the right choice!

如今的市場上有非常多的抗氧食品,果汁,不過真真假假總是讓人摸不著頭腦,身為INC500食品飲料類別第一名的蒙娜維獨立直銷商,我們有需要去了解其他競爭者的資料。 我邀請各位利用這篇文章分享各位接觸到產品,一起來探討巴西莓卓越的抗氧能力!

2010年10月3日 星期日

Product Knowledge 產品資訊

Dear distributors, please use this thread to discuss and share your inputs on Mona Vie's product.


Network Marketing experiences 傳銷經驗分享

Dear all,

Please reply to this tread to begin the discussion on Network Marketing techniques, tips and experiences


2010年10月2日 星期六

Greeting fellow distributors! 歡迎各位獨立直銷商

Hello all,

My name is Frank, one of the fonding independent distributors of Mona Vie in Taiwan. I am sure you are just as excited about this opportunity as I am. Let us work together as a team, share as a team, collaborate as a team, and most importantly appreciate the art of giving as a whole.

 It is my pleasure to be introduced to this business thanks to Susan, Bertha, Lammie and Jimmy! Thank you all for your continuous support!

I have created this blog to help facilitate the communication between our global team. Please feel free to share all your ideas, tips, techniques, reflections through this platform so we can have a virtual community 24/7 to help all of our members.

Welcome everyone and I look forward to our future interactions! Teamwork is the key to success!

來自世界各地的朋友大家好,我希望能通過此部落格來縮短我們傳銷團隊的距離,更進一步在網路上提供一個平台給予各位分享,交流的機會。Mona Vie 不僅是一家公司,一系列的產品,更是讓我們每一位能繼續學習的媒介,也是另一種生活方式。


同事,朋友,家人,往往都是會給予自己鼓勵的不是嗎? 傳銷也一樣,鄰近的團員,我們一定親自接觸,互相勉勵,住的比較願的,我們可以透過這個平台來為對方加油打氣!

大家一起齊心協力,就是成功的第一步! 加油! 在此誠心得邀請大家踴躍的發表,也特別謝謝Bertha, Lammy, Jimmy 還有 Susan 給我這個機會能有榮幸與各位合作!

Sincerely yours,
